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Our projects


Our first program:

1)Since one week the first installable program for every PersonalComputer is fit of work.
The program is called "The ExploreViewer2006 TE7.0 Professional by SwT/EV2006 TE7.0".
It´s a comparative programm to the "Winows Bild-und Faxanzeige" of "Microsoft". The only
thing you need to install it is "Visual Studio 2005" which is produced by "Microsoft".If you
want to acquire our programs you have to send an E-mail to us(Our E-mail-adress is shown
on the "Welcome"-article).Then we will try to send the program to you.Think about it.

Second programproject:

1)After a perfect start for our first program we want to improve our knowledgeby writing
and publishing our next program.It is going to be a databankwhich has the main task to
administer the datas of a library.For scanning in the barcode of every book you will use
a "barcodescanner" (plug in between the Ps2-dock and the mouse of your PC).For the
other informations like "name","publishing date","author" and "price" there are going to
be three windows where you can fill them in.The program will probably be published
in one week and you can acquire it for free(Send us an E-mail with your adress and
we´ll prbably send the prog. to you).But to install it on your PersonalComputer you
need "Visual Studio 2005" which you can buy from "Microsoft".

Kind reguards your SwT-Team

Other projects will follow.....